We’d love to tell you that paddles are built to last forever, but no. Your style of play, how often you play, where you play, and your playing level, all affect the life expectancy of any paddle. In general the consensus around paddle life is a year to three years. It’s not like a tennis racket where you can restring. Paddle cores, surface skins, trim, all have a finite life in a pickleball paddle.
Our straightforward warranty.
Brick House Paddles offers a 1 year warranty against manufacturer’s defects provided the paddle is registered within 14 days of purchase. To register your paddle please visit our website and complete the quick and easy warranty registration form.
Our warranty covers the following.
Delamination of any part of the composite, or core.
Defects in handle blanks.
Delamination of playing surface.
Our warranty does not cover:
Normal wear and tear including pitting or chipping of the surface finish.
Damage caused by abuse, negligence or modification.
Separation of edge trim as it is designed to be replaceable.(Please contact us for help)
Natural breakdown or fading of colour.
Damage from striking the ground or hitting any object other than a pickleball.
Damage from excessive heat or cold.
Evaluation of warranty eligibility is at the sole discretion of Brick House Paddles. To apply for warranty please email us at warranty@brickhousepaddles.com and include details of the damage and a picture of the paddle.
Custom Paddles and Graphics
Custom paddle warranty is the same as above however in the event of a replacement warranty claim paddles will be replaced with a standard BrickHouse model only.
Be honest with us and we’ll help you out.
You love our paddles, we love our customers. Sometimes things happen beyond your control and your paddle gets damaged.

Lets say the kids find your paddle, use it as a goalie stick for ball hockey, and leave it in the driveway for you to run over with the car as you pull in? Send us the story and a picture of the damaged paddle, we’ll help you out with a discount on a replacement.